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Is gambling fun or a problem for society?


Bush's Social Security Gamble originally found

Is gambling fun or a problem for society?  That depends.  Too much of anything is a bad thing.  So Gambling should be done only occasionally to be really fun. Particularly for those inexperienced with gambling.  Gambling can be fun; but, addictive and innappropriate for some people.  I enjoy gambling very much. Gambling of all sorts can be entertaining.  National Council on Problem gambling website  helps connect people who want or even suspect they may need help with gambling.

When gambling takes place with a low take out, and gamblers move their money through the system with a positive experience while tax revenue is collected.  Gambling is an asset to the communities bringing in billions of dollars ever year in taxes.  Money spent in casino’s and race tracks around the world goes through the economy many times quickly.  More times than a normal dollar because the same dollar is repeatedly wagered giving action and happiness to people that would not be created otherwise.

     A Gamble should have near a zero positive or negative expectation to be truly fun.  In poker they call this pot odds.  Make sure the pot is offering you near the odds of you winning the pot or better odds. When you are going to make a bet the odds should be remotley fair for gambling to be fun.   In LasVegas, Nevda Casinos typically return more of the money to the customer to offer customers the most value for the money. At many Racetracks, and casinos the takes outs are very high, and can not be beaten most of the time.   Sports gambling can be a lot of fun in places it is legal and add an extra bit of excitement to the game.  Low take outs should be looked for and encouraged.

The Poker Player Alliance website serves to represent poker players in congress with congressman Robert Wexler leading the cause to get on-line poker legalized. Regulation is needed. Poker is a game of skill when taking all the possible know variables into account when making decisions.  Start with good cards is a good way to play.  Be careful not to be too predictable, and remember the later your position the easier it will be to make good decisions getting to act after you have seen what the other players do.

   If you gamble frequently you should look into gambling rebates, bonus, gifts, and other available rebate programs to give you that edge you need to have a legitimate chance to be near break even.   Horse tracks offer legal gambling in many states over the internet. Bet small, and spread your money out is a good way to have fun, and manage your risk. Place and show bets are often bad bets because the track takes a higher breakage percentage. Getting a rebate or free stuff for gambling can be a way to get closer to a break even expectation gambling, and maybe even making a few bucks gambling .

Try to position your bets with a positive expectation.  Get a favorable odds when wagering versus what you expect to get back when I win. Realizing you will lose many bets. Winning and losing is part of gambling. Keeping a balance in life builds good karma. Balance is more easily achieve for some than others.
Take your time to learn any game well if you want it to be more than fun. reality that falls far from perfect to over come. After years of counseling I am a tough gambler not carrying all of my old baggage. Experience takes time to build, and we all have lots of time.

Regulation ofr on-line at poker, and video gambling sites would be helpful. Many sites will take your money and not return it. Horse racing is legal to bet online.   

 Some people, cultures, governments, and religions do not speak highly of gambling or out right ban gambling.  Truth be told through my eyes is anything that entertains, adds value to peoples lives, and has no victims is not a crime.  Gambling does pose a significan amount of risk for some. Regulation, and access to needed help is effective along with lifes lesson. Most of the time people should not gamble because they will lose their money.  On a positive note you can spend a nice afternoon, and or evening gambling at a casino, horse track, from your computer, or with friends from time to time for entertainment. 
  When I gamble I like to bet on horse races.  Horse races have been a part of my life since I was a kid.  I live in a town with two horse tracks.  Lived in Vegas twice.   When visiting stay on the main strip ( I recommend the MGM or Hooters is a less expensive hotel and still centrally located) and be careful not to venture to far off the strip.

Entertainment, and education,

July 17, 2008 Posted by | Sporting Events | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

UBS Bank, Liechenstein aided U.S. citizens to hide 100’s of billions of dollars from the U.S government

A disgruntled engineer working at UBS Bank sold the names of all Americans with Bank accounts in the UBS Bank located in Liechtenstein.  UBS was reported on NBC world to have committed material crimes, and may lose it’s U.S. license as a result.  The United States Senate is holding hearings accusing UBS, Liceinstein of aiding the tax cheats. Compounding this problem with other commercial papers it sold to investors that U.B.S has stopped honoring because of large losses in the value of these packaged securities.

 UBS stock looks to be headed towards zero from my perspective or at least over valued.  Wall street journal said late July 16th, 2008 that the U.S has lost $100 billion to offshore tax evasion.  A major source of revenue selling packaged securities to investors is largely dead, and UBS has begun lowering values of paper issued and not honoring the paper as it had previously.  Banks are particularly vulnerable to shut down because they lend several times the amount of money they collect in the form of loans.  Usually in the neighbor hood of 10% of assets are to be held against a banks portfolio.  When a bank commits fraud. Large and small investors usually redeem deposits creating an exponential problem for UBS Bank in this case. 

Entertainment purposes,

July 17, 2008 Posted by | Stock investing links, ideas, and opinions. | , , , , | Leave a comment